
With the increasing frequency and impact of disruptions (i.e., in the wake of COVID 19, Suez Canal blockage), researchers and practitioners are faced with an ongoing challenge to enable supply chain resilience. Drawing on the theory of paradox and ambidexterity, this study highlights paradoxes in enabling supply chain resilience and proposes that firms manage such paradoxes by developing an ambidexterity capability. We build a research model hypothesizing the role of social capital that enables organizational ambidexterity to realize supply chain resilience. The model is tested using structural equation modeling comprising survey data of 204 Pakistani manufacturing firms. Based on the results of this article, our overall model finds support with the exception that cognitive capital is not related to ambidexterity. This research contributes to the further conceptualization of paradoxes in supply chain resilience and advances the theory for a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of organizational social capital on ambidexterity.

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