
Manufacturing, development and failure mode analysis problems, in the semiconductor industry, present unique challenges and opportunities, not only to utilize several analytical techniques, but to process and deprocess samples into an appropriate format for analysis. In today' s' cleanrooms a great deal of development is integrated into the manufacturing line. This, combined with the ever decreasing size and increasing density of components on a single integrated circuit, creates the need for accurate as well as precise measurements. The method of measure must be appropriate to the task, compatible with the manufacturing environment, and useful in a process control system.Current complimentary bipolar technologies, utilizing shallow junction implants, require additional as well as less robust processing in order to maintain the depth and latitude of the junction. Additional processing includes the formation of a contact window spacer. The spacer is formed, following implant and thermal anneal, by growing and subsequently removing a thermal oxide layer. In the manufacturing process, oxide removal is verified by optical measure using visible light.

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