
Distributors are intermediaries who distribute products from factories to retailers. While the distributor of goods is the distributor of goods from factories to shops that need these goods. Incorrect selection of distributors can interfere with the sales process at the store. To improve the quality and quality of a store, it requires the best distributor of goods. This study aims to determine the best distributor of goods. The method used is the Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) of distributor data at the Padang Luar Sundanese Convenience Store. The data processed in this study consisted of a number of distributor data selected by the Multipurpose Store. From some of the distributor data, the Decision Support System is very necessary in the selection of distributors who aim for the selection of appropriate alternative decisions. The selection of distributors uses 15 samples of distributor data and 5 criteria data that are used as the basis for selecting distributors, namely quality of goods, affordable prices, strategic locations, service responses, and giving bonuses. The results of testing on this method obtained an accuracy rate of 86.67% of the right distributors and in accordance with the realization of the UI data. So this research is very suitable in choosing the best distributor. From the test results, it has got the 5 best distributors by assigning a weight of 11.50 to the best distributor, so the criteria set by the All-Round Shop can be used as a reference in the selection of distributors of goods.

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