
The ninth chapter (or the tenth in the Chinese versions) of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa (Weimoji jing 維摩詰經), “The Feast Brought by the Emanated [Bodhisattva]” (Nirmitabhojanānayana) follows the climax of the whole narrative where Vimalakīrti and Manjuśrī exchange their understanding of non-duality. In contrast to that density of teaching, chapter nine appears to be rather loose in doctrinal orientation. No wonder why it has gained limited attention among scholars except for a few (Lamotte 1962; Gummer 2014). Much is yet to be explored around the complexity and the transformative power of the dramatic scenario. In this paper, I will limit myself to two motifs in this chapter: the name of the Buddha Gandhottamakūṭa (Accumulated Fragrance; Xiangjifo 香積佛, Xiangtaifo 香臺佛) as an allusion to Gandhakuṭī, and avaśeṣa, the “leftovers” (avaśeṣa; yu 餘) of Buddha’s meal.

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