
The interplay of Coulomb interactions and disorder is formulated on the basis of local gauge invariant models withn orbitals per site. Universality classes of correlation-influenced metal insulator transitions are examined from the conducting region of an approximately semi-elliptical band. The microscopic 1/n expansion is brought into direct correspondence with the 1/(k F l) expansion of Altshuler et al. Based on1. the assumption that theO(1/n)-expansion can be exponentiated and2. on the renormalization group β-function for finite length scaling, critical exponents are derived in leading order ofd-2 (d is dimensionality). The density of states-at-E F as the order parameter vanishes at the critical pointE c like\(\left| {E_F - E_c } \right|^{\beta _{MA} } \) with\(\beta _{MA} = \frac{1}{{4(d - 2)}}\) for the interacting real matrix (orthogonal) ensemble and\(\beta _{MA} = \frac{1}{{2(d - 2)}}\) for the unitary ensemble. If the bare Coulomb interactionU b (q)∝q 1-d is replaced by a general long range interactionV b (q)∝q −x withx>0 ford=2, βMA depends on the “interaction range exponent”x like βMA(x) = xβMA(1). Also in leading order ofd−2, the conductivity exponent ist=1 for both models with or without time reversal invariance respectively. This implies a correlation-induced crossover fromt=1/2 for unitary Anderson localization (broken time reversal invariance) tot=1 at the Mott Anderson transition.

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