
Understanding the mechanisms underpinning individual variance in addiction vulnerability requires the development of validated, high-throughput screens. In a prior study of a large sample of male isogenic C57BL/6J mice, the direction and magnitude of methamphetamine (MA)-induced place-conditioning predicts the propensity to acquire oral MA self-administration, as well as the efficacy of MA to serve as a reinforcer. The present study examined whether or not such a predictive relationship also exists in females. Adult C57BL/6J females underwent a 4-day MA place-conditioning paradigm (once daily injections of 2 mg/kg) and were then trained to nose-poke for delivery of a 20 mg/L MA solution under increasing schedules of reinforcement, followed by dose-response testing (5−400 mg/L MA). Akin to males, 53 % of the females exhibited a conditioned place-preference, while 32 % of the mice were MA-neutral and 15 % exhibited a conditioned place-aversion. However, unlike males, the place-conditioning phenotype did not transfer to MA-reinforced nose-poking behavior under operant-conditioning procedures, with 400 mg/L MA intake being inversely correlated place-conditioning. While only one MA-conditioning dose has been assayed to date, these data indicate that sex does not significantly shift the proportion of C57BL/6J mice that perceive MA’s interoceptive effects as positive, neutral or aversive. However, a sex difference appears to exist regarding the predictive relationship between the motivational valence of MA and subsequent drug-taking behavior; females exhibit MA-taking behavior and reinforcement, despite their initial perception of the stimulant interoceptive effects as positive, neutral or negative.

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