
Equations of motion for particles translating inside a droplet with internal circulation were developed. The forces experienced by these particles and their relative importance are also summarized. Sample calculations for coal particles in oil droplets show that for high-droplet Reynolds numbers, particles will accumulate near the droplet surface before substantial evaporation of the droplet, based on the results that the characteristic time of transport is two orders of magnitude smaller than the droplet lifetime. These accumulations of particles near the droplet surface will probably result in particle agglomeration. Fow low-droplet Reynolds numbers, the particles are making slow looping motions and the characteristic time of transport is comparable to the droplet lifetime. This results in a more even distribution of particles in the droplet with slightly higher particle density near the surface. This indicates a higher particle burning rate and the possibility of internal boiling and microexplosion due to heterogeneous nucleation initiated from those coal particles.

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