
Abstract A theoretical discussion is presented of the behavior of the interface between two fluids of different physical properties when displacement is occurring along a thin tilted bed. An approximate equation of motion is deduced for the motion of the interface, suitable boundary conditions are derived and the conditions necessary for the approximation to be valid are determined. Steady-state behavior and the circumstances under which a steady-state interface can develop are discussed. Finite difference solutions of the equation of motion for two characteristic water-drive problems are presented. The theory of displacement in a thin bed may be regarded as being the porous-medium-equivalent of the classical "shallow-water wave" theory of hydrodynamics. Introduction The solution of moving interface problems are important in predicting the behavior of oil reservoirs under various conditions of production. Kidder has obtained analytic solutions for the fingering problem and for another particular case of the motion of the interface between two immiscible fluids of unequal density in a porous medium. In the present analysis, we analyze the problem of the motion of an interface along a slightly dipping bed whose length is long compared with its thickness. The requirement of a thin bed is necessary in order to give a simple differential equation for the motion. The two fluids are of unequal density and mobility. In the derivation of the equation of motion, it is assumed that the lighter fluid is being injected at constant rate at the high end of the porous layer, while heavy fluid is produced at the low end of the layer. The analysis applies equally well, however, to the reverse procedure in which the heavier fluid is injected at the low end of the tilted layer. It will be shown that the behavior of the system is critically dependent on which fluid has the higher mobility and that the interface can in certain circumstances achieve a simple progressive steady-state shape. The fluids may be considered to be immiscible or miscible. It is assumed, however, that the thickness of the interface region is negligible in comparison with other dimensions of the system, and that the strength of the saturation or concentration discontinuity remains constant during the motion. In conjunction with Buckley-Leverett theory and areal sweep-out calculations, the tilted interface problem is one of the fundamental problems of reservoir engineering; it defines the very important underpassing and overpassing phenomena associated with waterdrives, gas-drives and secondary recovery operations. The tilted interface problem has been dealt with previously by Dietz. In the present paper, we endeavor to derive the pertinent mathematical results more rigorously, and in doing so we obtain modifications in both the differential equation and boundary conditions for those given by Dietz. We also attempt to show the connection between these results and some of the recent work on the stability of interfaces. Finally, we attempt to demonstrate the practical importance of the thin bed theory by showing the difference in behavior of two characteristic waterflood problems. In the favorable mobility case recovery is improved by increasing production rate, while in the unfavorable case undercutting or overcutting is minimized by reducing the displacement rate. PROPERTIES OF THE EQUATION OF MOTION Fig. 1 illustrates a porous layer of constant thickness H and tilt 0 with Fluid 1 of mobility 1 and density P1 below Fluid 2 of mobility 2 and density P2. The fluids are incompressible and flowing with volumetric flux q along the layer. Both the slope a of the interface with respect to the bed and the curvature of the interface are assumed to be small. What is meant by "small" is indicated in the derivation given in Appendix A of an approximate equation of motion for the interface. SPEJ P. 275^

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