
The parasitic and saprophytic mycoflora was inventoried on three species in the fam. Cupressaaceae (Cupressus sempervirens, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana and Juniperus virginiana) in Serbia and Montenegro. The greatest number of fungi was recorded on eastern red cedar, but they were mainly the parasites of weakness or saprophytes. The greatest damage on cypress is caused by the pathogenic fungus Seiridium cardinale - agent of bark necrosis and canker. Sphaeropsis sapinea, the pathogen of many coniferous species, was identified on all three hosts on which it does not cause great harm. The study of the morphological characteristics of the fungus on these host plants and the comparative analysis with the morphological characteristics of the same fungus on Pinus spp. shows a difference between them. The study of S. sapinea pathogenicity by artificial inoculations of Austrian pine seedlings in the controlled conditions shows that the isolate of the fungus from cypress can cause infection of uninjured P. nigra shoots.


  • The parasitic and saprophytic mycoflora was inventoried on three species in the fam

  • The greatest number of fungi was recorded on eastern redcedar, but they were mainly the parasites of weakness or saprophytes

  • The greatest damage on cypress is caused by the pathogenic fungus Seiridium cardinale - agent of bark necrosis and canker

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JIoKaJlHTeTH acrpazeanarsa

Hcrpaacasas,a cy spureua y pacazmauaaa, xynrypaaa H. yp6aHHM cpennuaaa y Cp6HjH H. Iopn spmeaa anaenrapasanaja rn.nsa aa qeMnpecy - y MeIlIoBHToj xyrrrypa Pinus halepensis H Cupressus sempervirens nopen Bnpnasapa, xao H na cTa6JIHMa xoja ce raje y neKopaTHBHe cBpxe y OKOJIHHH YJIUHlha H Xepner HOBOI'. Rrsase xoje cy npoyspoxonane onpehene CHMIlTOMe aa noje)l,HHHM 6HJhHHM opraHHMa, a aa lhHMa HHCy 06pa30BaJIe nJIO)l,OHocHa TeJIa, nerepsraaacane cy na OCHOBy xyrrrypa )l,06HjeHHx H30JIalJ,HjoM H3 OBHX TKHBa. 1130JIalJ,Hja je spmeaa. C 063HpOM aa snanaj rrsnae Sphaeropsis sapinea (Fr.) Dyko & Sutton sa xeranapCKe BpCTe (nocefiao pon Pinus), xao H aa qHlheHHlJ,y na je OBO jennna rrsnaa KOHCTaTOBaHa aa CBe TpH 6HJhKe )l,OManHlIa, OHa je HeWTO neran.aaje npoyqeHa. Mop

Juniperus virginiana
Cupressus sempervirens
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
MopeJJOJlOmKe xapaxrepacraxe H naroreaocr Sphaeropsis sapinea
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