
Jayanta Mahapatra is widely celebrated as an iconic figure and revered as the Father of Modern and post-modern Indian English poetry. He is known for his unique blend of imaginative realism and profound philosophical insights in his poetry. This research paper presents a comprehensive exploration of the visionary poet Jayant Mahapatra's literary works, focusing on the intertwining themes of realism and philosophy within the rich tapestry of Indian literature. His profound poetical works serve as a cornerstone in any discourse on Indian English Poetry, vividly portraying themes of social discrimination and the erosion of moral values. Internationally acclaimed, Mahapatra's masterpieces such as "Hunger," "Myth," and " Summer" are hailed as flawless examples of majestic poetry that compel readers to grapple with profound societal truths. Delving deeper into his repertoire, his philosophical musings in poems like "The Moon Moments" and "Total Solar Eclipse" resonate with a stark realism that captivates and mesmerizes audiences worldwide. An immersive and enlightening reading of Mahapatra's poetic oeuvre, sheds light on how his imaginative realism and philosophic insights offer a deep understanding of contemporary Indian society, its complexities, and the human condition at large. His poetry is remarkable for its profound depth of emotions and true poetic imagination, which spans a wide variety of themes. His work evokes intense emotional connections with the world around him, as he skillfully transforms everyday events into verse. To quote Robert Frost: “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” Mahapatra's imaginative canvas powerfully delves into the human condition, where a brooding landscape, heavy bodily passions, and interior compulsions intertwine with the agonizing strands of human existence, offering a profound and thought-provoking exploration of our innermost struggles. He himself stated “I fell in love with English. I played with words, turning them over and over again until they were heavy with meaning.”

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