
Jørgensen, J. M. 1980. The morphology of the Lorenzinian ampullae of the sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus (Pisces: Chondrostei). (Zoological Laboratory, University of Aarhus, Denmark.) — Acta zool. (Stockh.) 61 (2): 87–92. The snout of a sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus (Chondrostei, Osteichthyes) is provided with sensory pores. Light and electron microscopical examination of these reveals that the ampullary organs have a sensory epithelium very similar to what has been found in the Lorenzinian ampullae, which are electroreceptors previously examined at a fine structural level in elasmobranchs and the paddle-fish, Polyodon spathula. The sensory cells are pear-shaped with a very small apical part, in the centre of which there is a short cilium. Basally, the sensory cells make several contacts with button-shaped nerve-endings. The presumed synaptic area in the sensory cell is characterized by a presynaptic sheet surrounded by vesicles. Only one type of nerve ending, an afferent type, has been observed.

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