
This study deals with the organization of the coelom in the all the parts of the body of the vestimentiferan Oasisia alvinae. The localization of the dissepiment between the vestimental and trunk regions in males and females differs. The histological structure and anatomy of the trophosome and the vascular, excretory, and reproductive systems is described. Three cell types are distinguishable in each trophosome lobe. Up to four bacteriocytes could be found in a row from the central blood vessel to the surface of the organ. The main blood vessels in almost all parts of the body have a well-developed muscle sheath and an endothelium that is expressed in varying degrees. In the trunk region, an intravasal body, which is represented by two modifications, is observed in the dorsal blood vessel. The excretory tree is located under the brain. The reproductive system is symmetrical in males and dissymmetrical in females. The gonoducts of females are extensive; in males, they are short and open in the front part of the reproductive coelom. The genital coeloms of both sexes perform the functions of gamete production and storage.

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