
The in vivo physiological role of the gene cobZ, which encodes precorrin-3B synthase, which catalyzes the initial porphyrin ring contraction step of cobalamin biosynthesis via the cob pathway, has been demonstrated here for the first time. Cobalamin is known to be essential for an early step of bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis in anoxygenic purple bacteria. The cobZ (cobZRR) gene of the purple bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum was localized to a 23.5 kb insert of chromosomal DNA contained on the cosmid pSC4. pSC4 complemented several mutants of bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis, due to the presence of the bchCX and crtCDEF genes at one end of the cosmid insert, flanking cobZRR. A second gene, citB/tcuB, immediately downstream of cobZRR, shows homologies to both a tricarballylate oxidoreductase (tcuB) and a gene (citB) involved in signal transduction during citrate uptake. CobZRR shows extensive homology to the N-terminal domain of the bifunctional CobZ from Rhodobacter capsulatus, and the R. rubrum citB/tcuB gene is homologous to the CobZ C-terminal domain. A mutant, SERGK25, containing a terminatorless kanamycin interposon inserted into cobZRR, could not grow by anaerobic photosynthesis, but grew normally under dark, aerobic and microaerophilic conditions with succinate and fructose as carbon sources. The anaerobic in vivo activity of CobZ indicates that it does not require oxygen as a substrate. The mutant excreted large amounts of protoporphyrin IX-monomethylester, a brown precursor of bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis. The mutant was complemented either by the cobZRR gene in trans, or when exogenous cobalamin was added to the medium. A deletion mutant of tcuB/citB did not exhibit the cob phenotype. Thus, a role for tcuB/citB in cobalamin biosynthesis could not be confirmed.

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