
When Shasta’s father loses his job, she is devastated to learn that previously laid plans for her upcoming birthday party must be significantly downsized. As the story progresses, Shasta and Simon meet a mysterious Traveller who gives them a seed that will make a tree grow leaves of money. Through a truly magical journey, the two ultimately learn that being a loyal friend is worth more than a big party or having all the latest toys. In the end, our friends, families, and imaginations are truly our greatest assets. The Money Tree introduces elementary audiences to financial literacy and value, exploring the idea of “needs versus wants” and affirming the power of imagination and creativity. Roseneath Theatre (roseneath.ca) premiered The Money Tree in the fall of 2014 to coincide with Financial Literacy Month in November, and the production was directed by Artistic Director Andrew Lamb. The Money Tree was nominated for two 2015 Dora Mavor Moore Awards: Outstanding New Play—Robert Watson, and Outstanding Ensemble Performance—Joshua Stodart, Rong Fu, and Heather Marie Annis.

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