
Various N2-fixing bacteria contain a cage-like molybdenum storage protein (MoSto) that deposits more than 100 Mo as discrete polyoxomolybdate (POMo) clusters. To explore the relationship between modifiable cage properties/preparation conditions on one side and the types of POMo clusters formed on the other we established a recombinant production system for MoSto of Azotobacter vinelandii and prepared site-specifically mutated, “in vivo-like and in vitro” POMo cluster-loaded and POMo cluster-free MoSto. Seven representative X-ray structures revealed highly different POMo clusters inside architecturally rather related MoSto cages. The only significant structural difference includes a small polypeptide segment, the β-linker, which protrudes differently far into the cage interior. The β-linker is positioned outwards in in vivo-like structures of MoSto (treated with ATP and Na2MoO4 during preparation) and inwards in in vitro structures (obtained after loading the purified POMo-cluster free MoSto with ATP and Na2MoO4). Non-covalent Mo8, Mo6–7 and Mo8–14 clusters are exclusively present in in vivo-like structures. Instead, in vitro structures contain a new well-defined Mo5-7 cluster II. The digit(s) behind Mo defines the (variable) number of metal atoms in the respective POMo clusters. In comparison to the native MoSto structures the Lα131H variant is characterized by a new non-covalent Mo3 cluster and a ca. 5 Å shifted Mo5–7 cluster II, by which the covalent Mo8 cluster becomes structurally modified. Altogether, the unique bionanolab in the MoSto cage is able to create a large variety of POMo clusters by expansions, fusions and positional/orientational variations of a few discrete polynuclear Mo-O building blocks.

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