
The sensory organs of the vertebrate head originate from simple ectodermal structures known as cranial placodes. All cranial placodes derive from a common domain adjacent to the neural plate, the preplacodal region, which is induced at the border of neural and non-neural ectoderm during gastrulation. Induction and specification of the preplacodal region is regulated by the fibroblast growth factor, bone morphogenetic protein, WNT, and retinoic acid signaling pathways, and characterized by expression of the EYA and SIX family of transcriptional regulators. Once the preplacodal region is specified, different combinations of local signaling molecules and placode-specific transcription factors, including competence factors, promote the induction of individual cranial placodes along the neural axis of the head region. In this review, we summarize the steps of cranial placode development and discuss the roles of the main signaling molecules and transcription factors that regulate these steps during placode induction, specification, and development. For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website.

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