
The epigenetic dynamics of iPSC reprogramming in correctly reprogrammed cells at high resolution and throughout the entire process, remain largely undefined. This gap in understanding results from the inefficiency of conventional reprogramming methods coupled with the difficulty of prospectively isolating the rare cells that eventually correctly reprogram into iPSCs. Here we characterize cell fate conversion from fibroblast to iPSC using radically efficient murine reprogramming systems. This comprehensive characterization provides single day resolution of dynamic changes in levels of gene expression, chromatin modifications, TF binding, DNA accessibility and DNA methylation. The integrative analysis identified two transcriptional modules that dominate successful reprogramming. One consists of genes whose transcription is regulated by on/off epigenetic switching of modifications in their promoters (abbreviated as ESPGs), and the second consists of genes with promoters in a constitutively active chromatin state, but a dynamic expression pattern (abbreviated as CAPGs). ESPGs are mainly regulated by OSK, rather than Myc, and are enriched for cell fate determinants and pluripotency factors. We used the ESPG module to study the identity and temporal occurrence of activating and repressing epigenetic switching during reprogramming. Removal of repressive chromatin modifications precedes chromatin opening and binding of RNA polymerase II at enhancers and promoters, and the opposite dynamics occur during repression of enhancers and promoters. Genome wide DNA methylation analysis identified a group of super-enhancers targeted by OSK, whose early demethylation definitively marks commitment to a successful reprogramming trajectory also in inefficient conventional reprogramming systems. CAPGs are predominantly regulated by Myc rather than OSK and are enriched for cell biosynthetic regulatory functions. CAPGs are distinctively regulated by multiple synergetic ways: 1) Myc activity, delivered either endogenously or exogenously, dominates CAPG expression changes and is indispensable for induction of pluripotency in somatic cells; 2) A change in tRNA codon usage which is specific to Myc regulated CAPGs, but not ESPGs, and favors their translation. In summary, our unbiased high-resolution mapping of epigenetic changes on somatic cells that are committed to undergo successful reprogramming reveals interleaved epigenetic and Myc governed biosynthetic reconfigurations that rapidly commission and propel conducive reprogramming toward naive pluripotency.

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