
Abstract The rotational Zeeman effect of H2F12C12C14N was observed at fields up to 20 kG (2 Tesla). The observed vibronic ground state expectation values for the molecular ^-values, the magnetic susceptibility anisotropies and the molecular electric quadrupole moments, all referred to the molecular principal inertia axes system, are: gaa= -0.03572 (11), gbb= -0.03438 (7), gcc= -0.03988 (6). 2ξaa- ξbb - ξcc = - 14.58 (10) • 10-6 erg/(G2 mole), 2ξaa- ξbb - ξcc= 1.60 (11) • 10-6 erg/(G2 mole), Qaa= -9.13 (6) DÅ, Qbb = 4M (7) DÅ, and Qcc = 4.96 (9) DÅ, respectively. The latter are in close agreement with the results of a restricted Hartree Fock self consistent field calculation with a basis of TZVP quality, which was carried out at the partial restructure determined earlier. Therefore the RHF/TZVP-value for the second electronic moment perpendicular to the heavy atom plane, <0|Σ c2 c|0)RHF, was used as additional input to predict the molecular bulk susceptibility and the individual components of the magnetic susceptibility tensor

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