
In this article we introduce a definition for the moduli space of equivariant minimal immersions of the Poincaré disc into a non-compact symmetric space, where the equivariance is with respect to representations of the fundamental group of a compact Riemann surface of genus at least two. We then study this moduli space for the non-compact symmetric space mathbb {RH}^n and show how SO_0(n,1)-Higgs bundles can be used to parametrise this space, making clear how the classical invariants (induced metric and second fundamental form) figure in this picture. We use this parametrisation to provide details of the moduli spaces for mathbb {RH}^3 and mathbb {RH}^4, and relate their structure to the structure of the corresponding Higgs bundle moduli spaces.


  • In this article we study equivariant minimal immersions f : D → N of the Poincaré disc D into a non-compact symmetric space N

  • In this article we introduce a definition for the moduli space of equivariant minimal immersions of the Poincaré disc into a non-compact symmetric space, where the equivariance is with respect to representations of the fundamental group of a compact Riemann surface of genus at least two

  • We show in Theorem 2.4 that this is the Higgs bundle for an equivariant minimal immersion if and only if it is polystable and V is constructed from an S O(n − 2, C) bundle (W, QW ) and a cohomology class ξ ∈ H 1(Hom(W, K −1)), where K is the canonical bundle of c, as follows

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In this article we study equivariant minimal immersions f : D → N of the Poincaré disc D into a non-compact symmetric space N. The link to minimal surfaces is that the non-abelian Hodge correspondence already tells us about all equivariant (or “twisted”) harmonic maps: fix a Fuchsian representation c of π1 into the group Isom+(D) of oriented isometries of the Poincaré disc D, so that c D/c(π1 ). Labourie conjectured in [25] that every Hitchin representation into a split real form should admit a unique minimal surface, which would imply that the moduli space of Hitchin representations (whose parametrisation is due to Hitchin [22]) provides components of M( , N ) when the isometry group G of N is a split real form Labourie recently proved his conjecture for split real forms of rank-two complex simple Lie groups [26].

Equivariant minimal surfaces
Equivariant minimal surfaces in RHn
Equivariant minimal surfaces in RH3
Equivariant minimal surfaces in RH4
Superminimal maps and Hodge bundles
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