
This work investigates the effects of modulation of the transverse and longitudinal relaxation of the surface-fluid/pore-fluid spin system in porous media. Important new NMR well logging applications identify pore fluids by varying the CPMG T 2 pulse spacing to discriminate on the basis of fluid diffusivities in applied and local static magnetic field gradients. However, anomalous laboratory CPMG T 2 results have been reported repeatedly over 25 years for various porous media filled with a single fluid. In relatively large pores, at near bulk conditions, the transverse relaxation of diffusing molecular spins should be proportional to the square of the CPMG pulse spacing τ, the susceptibility contrast at the pore wall and the applied gradient. Observed is a markedly linear τ dependence that saturates at a plateau for large τ. The effect is not quadratic in applied gradient or susceptibility. For large pores, the τ dependence and the saturation value are proportional to the surface-to-volume ratio of the pores. This is in distinct contrast to the behavior observed by Borgia, Brown and Fantazzini for systems with much smaller pores at higher magnetic fields. The large-pore anomalous behaviors can be explained as a modulation of the exchange between surface-fluid and pore-fluid spins, such as observed by Luz and Meiboom in 1963 for water enriched with quadrupolar 17O. Scalar coupling of the solid-surface spins to the fluid-surface spins was postulated by Kleinberg, Kenyon and Mitra as a dominant relaxation mechanism for the surface fluid. The CPMG τ effect can be described as the modulation of the exchange coupling by the CPMG π pulses, which mix the magnetizations between the exchanging, strongly coupled spin systems of the pore-fluid and the surface-fluid, which is, in turn, weakly coupled by scalar or pseudo-scalar interactions to the fast-relaxing solid surface.

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