
The further development of Russian healthcare system requires a solution to the issue of forming a national system for managing of the quality and safety of medical activities. There is no consolidated opinion on the goals, objectives and indicators characterizing the activities of a high-quality national health system, which requires the study and additional analysis of foreign experience. Purpose. Analysis of foreign experience in the development of the management system of the quality and safety of medical activities at the present stage. In the systems PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct by Elsevier, Research Gate, a systematic search, selection and subsequent analysis of publications reflecting international experience in the development of management system of the quality and safety of medical activities were carried out. The modern paradigm of the development of management system of the quality and safety of medical activities consists in the harmonious implementation of scientifically based and generally recognized tools at the national level. Modern healthcare faces challenges in four main areas: increasing the cost of medical services; dependence on technology; the need to reduce costs while continuously improving quality indicators; patients’ needs meeting. Most countries go through the professional model of quality management in health care, through the administrative model, to the formation of an industrial model, when solving these problems. The industrial model completely corresponds to modern scientific ideas about management quality of medical care. Necessary condition for its implementation is a preliminary assessment of the industry’s readiness for innovations and a consistent policy in this area.

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