
Aim. To study and evaluate the peculiarities of teaching genetics in the system of higher medical education of Ukraine. Methods. Studying typical and working programs of educational disciplines of medical universities, analysis of their interconnections with the volume and depth of knowledge and achievements of genetics. Results. The worldwide rapid development of genetic technologies, that open up new possibilities for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of many hereditary and non-hereditary diseases, requires the unification of the disparate efforts of scientists and practitioners. A significant role in solving this task should be played by higher medical school. Compact information about general genetics and the basics of anthropogenetics is received by medical students in the first year of study. This creates an appropriate basis for understanding the basic laws of the emergence of various forms of human pathologies, but does not ensure the assimilation of the genetic methodology of clinical disciplines and sections related to the organization of health protection and social medicine. Conclusions. An urgent need as of today is an inter-departmental and multi-level program on general genetics, human genetics, medical and clinical genetics, which would be compiled in accordance with the achievements of modern biology, medicine and genetics, and would penetrate all the stages of undergraduate and postgraduate education of doctors.
 Keywords: genetics, teaching in higher medical school.

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