
Purpose: The author wants to know whether the Modified Value Added Intellectual Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility models could affect company value with Good Corporate Governance as moderator. Theoretical framework: Good corporate governance (GCG) is a practice that generally affects company value. GCG increases business success and corporate accountability to create good corporate value. Companies implementing GCG long-term can guarantee sustainability, increase profits significantly, and optimize corporate value for shareholders and other stakeholders. If a company has excellent and accurate governance, it can increase the value of the company. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). MRA is a tool to test the strength of the influence of two or more variables and test the causal relationship between the variables, which is strengthened or weakened by the moderating variable Findings: The research results conclude that banking companies will survive more if Corporate Social Responsibility increases. Modified Value Added Intellectual Capital is a finding that does not affect firm value, unlike previous studies. Good Corporate Governance does not moderate the influence between Corporate Social Responsibility and company value is also a finding because it differs from several previous studies. Research, Practical & Social implications: This study provides new knowledge about the reality of the power of GCG in moderating MVAIC with CSR after the Covid 19 pandemic, so that future researchers can continue with this formulation model. this research also contributes to enriching the library as a whole Originality/value: This new study uses Modified Value Added Intellectual Capital on company value after the Covid-19 pandemic, using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). There has yet to be any research with models and analyses like this before. This study is helpful for future researchers to determine the relationship between corporate social responsibility and intellectual capital modified by good corporate governance as a moderating variable.

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