
A method for reconstructing the digital real tooth surfaces of hypoid gears can be a significant foundation for a variety of dynamic performance and lifetime prediction. This study demonstrates a new digital real tooth surfaces modeling approach for hypoid gears based on non-geometric-feature segmentation and interpolation algorithm. In this method, the discrete data points, which are obtained by using acoordinate measure machine (CMM), are segmented in the form of Delaunay triangular meshes. In order to identify irregular local micro-geometry features, the segmentation method starts with a feature detection based on normal vectors of Delaunay triangular meshes, identifying wear regions around each discrete data point, and is followed by region growing steps to divide tooth surface. In addition, a revised interpolation algorithm is applied to describe local micro-geometry features on wear regions via weighted factors to locally qualify the triangular vertexes. And the revised fairing algorithm minimizes the effect of noisy points. Experimental results from reconstruction of real tooth surface after wear test demonstrate that our method can improve the computation precision of wear region on actual tooth surfaces.

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