
The purpose of this study is to examine the practice of instilling the Islamic character at the SMP-SMA Boarding School Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Purwokerto and to understand what kind of Islamic model Al-Irsyad aims to cultivate in its students. This study takes the form of qualitative research, involving data collection through observation, interviews, and document analysis. The data which is then analyzed to gain insights into the implementation of character education at Al-Irsyad. The research findings indicate that the formation of Islamic character at the SMP-SMA Boarding School Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Purwokerto is accomplished through the Islamic Religious Education (PAI), which includes subjects related to ethics (Akhlak), faith (Aqidah), jurisprudence (Fiqih), and Islamic history (Tarikh Islam). The ethics subject aims to cultivate honesty, integrity, and noble character in students, while discouraging qualities like jealousy. Islamic history delves into the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to provide students with a role model. On the other hand, specific objectives are intended to be cultivated through the instruction of Aqidah (Belief) material. The Aqidah content guides students to abstain from practices within the religion of Islam perceived as deviating from and undermining monotheism, such as acts of polytheism, tawassul, and tabarruk. Given this understanding, it is reasonable for Al-Irsyad to consider it inappropriate to "respect the flag" and observe "moments of silence" during flag-raising ceremonies. Similarly, singing the patriotic song "Padamu Negeri" is prohibited, as all of these actions are seen as deviating from Islamic beliefs.

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