
Purpose: The purpose of the work is to develop a model of formation of the omnichannel sales system by a modern company for execution of individual orders of consumers with the help of technologies of Industry 4.0. Methodology: The methods of induction, deduction, logical analysis, synthesis, and modeling of socio-economic processes and systems and formalization are used. Results: The results of the performed research confirmed the offered hypothesis and showed that technical possibilities for implementation into the economic practice of modern companies of the ideas of the omnichannel sales system are provided by the latest digital technologies that are developed within Industry 4.0. However, using these technologies does not mean that the system of company sales is omnichannel and does not guarantee the individual approach to a customer—this requires the corresponding organizational design and targeted usage of technologies of Industry 4.0. Recommendations: The developed and presented model of formation of the omnichannel sales system by a modern company for executing individual orders of consumers with the help of technologies of Industry 4.0 allowed forming a conceptual platform of this process and explaining its logic (algorithm), thus ensuring the possibility of its practical implementation. This model showed the functions that are performed by different specialists of the company, which are connected to communication with consumers and usage of the digital data base on the consumer, as well as described the technologies of Industry 4.0 that are involved in the process of execution of these functions. This model is universal—i.e., it could be used by a company from any sphere of economy. An additional advantage of the offered model is increased flexibility of the omnichannel sales system, due to which a company can satisfy consumers’ needs with the help of standard products and individual orders. This allows achieving the largest coverage of the target audience and keeping sustainable positions in the set market segment.

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