
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to develop a model for the analysis and improvement of aluminum castings and to perform its test in the framework of verifying the quality of industrial robot arm parts, and then, determine the causes of potential and root causes of nonconformities, including proposing improvement actions in the production area. Aluminum castings have become the focus of research due to significant problems in maintaining their expected level of quality. The use of the model (consisting of eddy current testing and consecutive brainstorming sessions, Ishikawa diagram, and ABCD - Suzuki method) would contribute to the detection of the causes of nonconformities and consequently to the elimination of non-conforming products. The study demonstrates the desirability of using an integrated approach to solving quality problems. The actions taken were a new solution for the company, as no in-depth analysis of quality problems using a sequence of quality management techniques had been carried out before.

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