
The near-Infrared Multi-Object Spectrograph (IRMOS) for TMT is one of the most powerful astronomical instruments ever envisioned. The combination of the collecting area of TMT, the unique image-sharpening capabilities of the Multi-Object Adaptive Optics (MOAO) system, and the multiplexing advantage of the multi-object integral-field spectra provided by the IRMOS back-end make it capable of addressing some of the leading scientific challenges of the coming decades. Here we present an overview of one potential IRMOS concept and then focus on the MOAO system. In particular we will describe our concept for the laser and natural guide star wavefront sensors, deformable mirrors and the calibration system of MOAO. For each of these design elements, we describe the key trade studies which help define each subsystem. From results of our studies, we assemble a MOAO ensquared energy budget. We find that 50% of the energy is ensquared within the 50 milli-arcsecond spatial pixel of the IRMOS integral field units for a wavelength of 1.65μm. Given the requirements placed on the MOAO system to achieve this performance, large ensquared energies can be achieved with even finer plate scales for wavelengths longer than 1.5μm.

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