
We investigate works under the propagation-based fake news detection domain, which recently seeks to improve performance through the use of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Generally, existing works argue that using GNNs can give results superior to what was obtained using classic graph-based methods. We agree with this argument given that GNNs are capable of gaining superior performance by leveraging node features. But we argue that existing works haven’t identified the fact that the expressivity of GNNs is limited and bounded by node features. Existing works do not acknowledge that, by utilizing GNNs, they implicitly assume node features are strongly correlated to node labels. There are evidence that node features that have been employed do not necessarily correlate to node label. Instead of having a profound theoretical motivation, they have empirically observed that focusing on nodes features with strong feature-label correlation can increase predictive capability. This is a sub-optimal approach to view this problem, in fact, we argue that finding node features based on correlation is not practical or effective. Our first contribution is shifting readers from a node-level view i.e correlating node features with labels, to a graph-level view. In the graph-level view, we exploit the relationship between graph isomorphism and GNNs’ expressivity which can be utilized to well understand and interpret the relation between node features and GNNs’ expressivity. We conduct a wide range of experiments on basis of both node-level view and graph-level view and found graph-level view is more interpretable and strongly matches with results. Further, we gained insights on node features that wouldn’t be obtainable by a node-level view. In order to have a fair and comprehensive analysis of node features, we built a unified dataset that includes a wide range of node features. Our results indicate, as we improve model accuracy on basis of the graph level view, models’ generalizability decreases. We provide our hypothesis for this performance trade-off on the basis of the graph-level view. Our results and insights call for a much broader discussion on whether any sort of filtering method is effective. So, we conclude our work by providing readers with possible solutions that can be helpful to find harmony between node features and GNNs’ expressivity.

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