
The article first presents results of a study of fossil ammonites from the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria as a mineral resource – a jewelry and ornamental raw material. The ammonites are associated with Lower Aptian deposits and are encountered within marly concretions. 
 The complex of the study of the ammonites included determination of the density, microhardness, luminescence, and mineral and chemical composition; the optical-petrographic and electron-probe investigations. The ammonites mainly consist of calcite (about 85 % by weight). They contain mineral impurities: aragonite, quartz, illite, kaolinite, microcline, albite, chlorite, anatase, pyrite, dolomite, and apatite. Their impurity elements are represents by Sr and Ba in increased concentration. The walls and septa of the shells are made mainly of calcite, aragonite partly preserved as well. 
 The ammonites are characterized by a wide range of the sizes, high decorativeness, good technological and environmental characteristics, which make it possible to manufactor a diverse range of interior articles and jewelry. The ammonite collecting is carried out in river valleys without mining workings, which does not require significant financial costs and does not violate the environment.

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