
This essay seeks to provide a theoretical discussion of the normative and juristic position with respect to building and using minarets in contemporary mosques. It provides arguments dealing with its function and purpose and the way mu'adhen should relate to it in light of current loudspeaker technology. The essay investigates relevant religious scripture and authoritative scholarly textbooks on the subject matter, in attempt to deduce the proper rulings of 'Fiqh' on basic issues pertaining to programming and designing a place for propagating adhan from the mosque. More fitting alternatives are proposed with general theoretical guidelines for architects and urban designers. The author concludes that traditional minarets are no longer needed in contemporary mosques, and that the expenses that they cost should be invested elsewhere. Loudspeaker Towers are far more practical and far less costly. The author also proposes a kiosk outside the mosque for the mu'adhen, since he argues that adhan should not be delivered from inside the mosque. These findings are expected to challenge commonly held beliefs with respect to a minaret, and the author looks forward to rigorous and scholarly discussions on the matter.

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