
Abstract We identify shell structures in the Milky Way for the first time. We find two shells in the Virgo Overdensity region and two shells in the Hercules Aquila Cloud region using Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Gaia, and LAMOST data. These shell stars are a subset of the substructure previously identified as the Virgo Radial Merger (VRM). Timing arguments for these shells indicate that their progenitor dwarf galaxy passed through the Galactic center 2.7 ± 0.2 Gyr ago. Based on the time of collision, it is also possible that the VRM is related to the phenomenon that created phase-space spirals in the vertical motion of the disk and/or the Splash and could have caused a burst of star formation in the inner disk. We analyze phase mixing in a collection of radial merger N-body simulations and find that shell structure similar to that observed in Milky Way data disappears by 5 Gyr after collision with the Galactic center. The method used to calculate the merger time of the VRM was able to reliably recover the correct merger times for these simulations. Previous work supports the idea that the VRM and the Gaia Sausage/Gaia–Enceladus Merger are the same. However, the Gaia Sausage is widely believed to be 8–11 Gyr old. The disparate ages could be reconciled if the larger age is associated with an infall time when the progenitor crossed the virial radius; we do not constrain the time at which the progenitor became bound to the Milky Way. Alternatively, the Gaia Sausage could be younger than previously thought.

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