
This article offers a comprehensive analysis of the 21st-century military intervention in Iraq, with a specific focus on the supposed «call for democracy», a premise that has been a subject of intense debate and skepticism. By examining the «Fake Call for Democracy» hypothesis, the author investigates whether the pursuit of democratic governance was the genuine goal of the invasion or a facade for other strategic interests. The analysis encompasses the historical context preceding the invasion, the chronology of key events during the conflict, and the immediate and enduring consequences of the attack on Iraq's political, social, and economic structures. It provides a nuanced understanding of the motivations behind international interventions, particularly when couched in the rhetoric of democracy promotion or human rights. The military intervention in Iraq stands as one of the most significant and contentious episodes of the early 21st century. From a lens of historical reflection, the «call for democracy» that justified the invasion is shrouded in controversy, debate, and criticism. The aftermath of the invasion has resulted in a precarious, deeply flawed democracy, defined by sectarian violence, economic instability, and political corruption, rather than the envisioned stable and prosperous democratic nation.

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