
Introduction F.W.Kagan & R.Higham The Foundations of Muscovite Military Power, 1453-1613 B.Davies The Romanov Transformation, 1613-1725 P.Bushkovitch The Imperial Russian Army, 1725-1796 B.Menning Paul I and Catherine II's Military Legacy, 1762-1801 B.Menning Russia's Wars with Napoleon, 1805-1815 F.W.Kagan The Russia's Small Wars, 1805-1861 F.W.Kagan The Russian Army 1853-1881 F.W.Kagan The Imperial Russian Navy, 1696-1900: The Ambiguous Legacy of Peter's 'Second Arm' J.Kipp The Russo-Japanese War D.Schimmelpenninck Mukden to Tannenberg: Defeat to Defeat, 1905-1917 B.Menning The Imperial Army in World War I, 1914-1917 D.Jones Russia's Geopolitical Dilemma and the Question of Backwardness F.W.Kagan

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