
In the 1950s, the Democratic Party came to power in Turkey, relying on the provincial bourgeoisie and clericals. The charismatic leader of democrats Adnan Menderes became the prime-minister. The Democratic government pursued an active foreign and domestic policy. In particular, abandoning its traditional neutrality, Turkey joined NATO and CenTO military blocs. Concessions were made to religious circles. The government also carried out large-scale reforms, for which the society was not ready, due to which an economic crisis erupted in the country, the most characteristic manifestation of which was high inflation. By introducing repressive laws against dissidents, attempts to isolate the opposition, in particular the leaders of the Republican Peoples Party (RPP), the Democrats pushed the latter to search for allies in the army. In the ranks of the latter, under the influence of Western agents and the dissatisfaction of the officers themselves with the situation in the country, the idea of a military coup came about on May 27, 1960. As a result of the coup, the National Unity Committee came to power, consisting of representatives of the generals and leaders of the Republican Peoples Party. In 1961, a new constitution was adopted at a referendum, reforming the system of legislative power in the country, after which power again passed to civilian political institutions. The leader of the military who carried out the coup, General Jemal Grsel, became the prime minister, while the chairman of the Republican Peoples Party Ismet İnnbecame became the president of Turkey.


  • Товсултанова Малика Шариповна, аспирант кафедры новой и новейшей истории Товсултанов Рустам Алхазурович, кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры новой и новейшей истории

  • The paper considers the reasons for the educational system reform in the late 1950s

  • which began with the adoption of the law

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Товсултанова Малика Шариповна, аспирант кафедры новой и новейшей истории Товсултанов Рустам Алхазурович, кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры новой и новейшей истории. ВОЕННЫЙ ПЕРЕВОРОТ В ТУРЦИИ 27 МАЯ 1960 ГОДА: ПРЕДПОСЫЛКИ, ДВИЖУЩИЕ СИЛЫ И ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ Введением репрессивных законов против инакомыслящих, попытки изолировать оппозицию, в частности лидеров Народно-республиканской партии (НРП), демократы подтолкнули последних к поиску союзников в армии. В рядах последней под влиянием западной агентуры и недовольства самих офицеров ситуацией в стране возникла идея военного переворота, который произошёл 27 мая 1960 г.

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