
Abstract : American defense policy is intimately tied the Congress by the Constitution. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to raise and support armies...to make rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval forces...and make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers. In view of the President's role as Commander-in-Chief, this almost ensures conflict between the interests of Congress and the President, reflecting as it does the constitutional concept of shared power and checks and balances. Conflict as a result of this arrangement is not new, but in recent times it has given rise sharp policy disputes that indicate the Congress of today intends be fully involved in its defense responsibilities. We need understand that Congress is not a static institution. We also need understand that Congress is not just a House of Representatives of 435 members and 5 delegates and a Senate of 100 men and women. Congress is also the committees and subcommittees where much of the work gets done, the support agencies, the staff members, the coalitions and caucuses, the leadership structure, and the party groups. More than ever before, Congress is a dynamic, evolving institution with enormous influence on all aspects of American defense policy. Accordingly, it is important for the professional soldier understand the role Congress plays in defense decision making, and grasp the implications of the substantial changes that have occurred within the institution. This article examines the characteristics of the members in terms of percentage that have served 10 or more terms, reelection rates, average age, prior military service, gender and racial composition, the committee system, reforms in the operation of committees and subcommittees, reforms in the budget process, changes in committee staffs and support agencies, and implications of these changes for the military.

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