
The Jurassic mafic to felsic magmatism affecting the older Ediacaran-to-Cambrian basement of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone of Iran has been traditionally interpreted as the product of arc and/or back-arc magmatism related to the early stages of Neo-Tethys subduction beneath Iran in the early Jurassic. Recent works and new compositional and geochronological data have started challenging this commonly accepted model in favor of scenarios involving continental rifting, mantle plume activity, and/or passive margin formation. In the Hamedan area of the central sector of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, the Jurassic Cheshmeh-Ghasaban gabbro (ca. 165 Ma) is a key formation to better understand the tectono-magmatic framework of the whole area. Our new data, combined with the existing literature, suggest a transitional to alkaline OIB-like compositional character for this gabbro similar to the nearby but slightly younger (ca. 145 Ma) Panjeh and Ghalaylan basaltic complexes (in the Songhor-Ghorveh area). When integrated with the existing geochemical data of Jurassic mafic rocks from the central Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, our results point to a scenario of intracontinental rifting, possibly involving the upwelling old metasomatized (by Proto-Tethys subduction?) mantle or mantle-plume activity.

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