
This paper presents analysis of the influence of the laser hardening bearing 100CrMnSi6-4 steel on the selected properties: hardness and microstructure. The best process parameters were selected by: radiation impulse length λ = 1064 nm, different radiation power density and repetition frequency, as well as different variants of geometric surface texture. The process was carried out in a air environment, mainly in the field of ablation texturing with "thermal effect." As a result of laser hardening, the obtained martensitic microcrystalline microstructure in the superficial zone and in the middle of the hardened zone, and martensitic - bainite and bainite in the transition zone. The microstructures with high microhardness in the range of 580 850 HV0.01 are resulting from ultrafast phase transformation occurring during the crystallization of the Fe-C-Cr-Mn-Si alloy from the liquid phase. The microstructures are in the area directly adjacent to the lubricant microchannels produced during laser texturing. It was clearly noticeable on highly fragmented microstructure and confirmed by increased microhardness. There were no micro-cracks on the surface layer, what promises great technological opportunities. The results are promising and may have a significant impact on improving the tribological associations friction pair: roller - large-size track roller bearing.

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