
ABSTRACT On the appearance of the first edition of this work (vol. ii, p. 267) we gave it our highest commendation; and the fact of its having so soon reached a second edition shows that our high estimation of its value was correct. Short, however, as has been the time since the publication of the first edition, it has been one of great advancement in the direction of microscopical research. Hasty generalizations have been corrected, incorrect observations have been exposed, increased facilities for investigation, by the improvement of the microscope, have been introduced, new methods of research have been employed, and a large addition has been made to our knowledge of minute structure, during the last four years. For many of these results we are not a little indebted to Dr. Beale’s book, and to the unwearied industry and singleness of purpose with which Dr. Beale has worked with the microscope. When we see how much work Dr. Beale has done the last four years, and recollect that during that time he has performed the duties of Physician to King’s College Hospital, and Professor of Physiology in the College, we cannot but marvel at the extent of his labours, and hope that he is not taxing his physical powers to an extent which he or his friends may have occasion to lament.

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