
There are at least two problems which should be solved by functionalism before it produces a fruitful theory of social change. One is to overcome its normative bias. The other is to introduce the category of causality. The methodological basis of the functional theory of social change will be established when it constructs “normism as a methodology” which is expected to solve the two problems presented above.The stress on the idea of integration does not necessarily lead to the negligence of the idea of change. The basic presupposition of the theory of social change of all kinds is a satisfactory analysis of the conditions of structural stability. The traditional functionalism has produced only an unsatisfactory theory of integration. The development of the sociological equilibrium theory may produce a satisfactory theory of integration. The specificatiom of the equilibrium postulate frees the functionalism from the unreasonable bias to integration. The specification might make alive the principle of causality in a new form. The functionalism will lead a scientific theory of social change only after it introduces the category of causality.The functional theory of social change is basically characterized as a theory which explains the stagnation and the change at the same time. The strategic policy of the functional theory of social change is to explain the present form and the change of social structure through the analysis of the conditions of stability. This policy has been realized especially in the functional requisite theory. But these requisites are necessarily the requisites for the system. How is it possible for the functional theory to grasp an independent demand of individual? It is the problem about the relation between man and institutionalization.Now let me introduce the concept of purposive causality. The purposive causality is defined as a causality in which individual motives and intentions can be the drive of change. The purposive causality is dependent on the structural causality in the framework of the traditional functionalism. The methodology of the functionalism has been unable to give a full explanation to a creative character of human action. The structural causality, on its last stage, appears as a true causality only when it is mediated by a concrete action of a real person.

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