
Abstract. The research paper is devoted to the development of methodological foundations of bank lending to industrial enterprises in accordance with the formation of new economic relations based on the priority of knowledge, deepening of digitalization and dissemination of ideas of social ecology in its broad sense. In particular, the article is clarified the economic essence of the concept of «bank lending to industrial enterprises» through the prism of a set of scientific approaches. The modern principles of implementation of bank lending to industrial enterprises are also formulated in this article. A comprehensive refinement of the economic content of the concept under study was carried out using the institutional, functional and reproductive approaches of scientific cognition. Each of the scientific approaches has contributed to a comprehensive disclosure of the characteristics of bank lending to industry. As a result of using an institutional scientific approach to disclose the economic essence of bank lending to industrial enterprises, a species structure of its institutional environment was formulated. It was reasoned that the institutional environment of bank lending to industrial enterprises should be structured in terms of the following components: financial institution (in which banks, especially industrial banks, play a special role); production and technology institution (in which innovative industrial enterprises and smart industry enterprises play a special role); legal institution; industrial lending infrastructure institution; sustainable finance institution; institutional arrangements and its social relations. Through the functional approach, a number of functions of the financial and economic nature of bank credit and the activities of industrial enterprises were traced in a cause-and-effect relationship. The reproductive approach of scientific cognition has helped to reveal the economic essence of bank lending to industrial enterprises, emphasizing its role in reproductive processes and its importance for the development of the whole economy. The formulated principles of bank lending to industrial enterprises are in line with current trends in financial and credit relations between banks and industry, and also take into account the basic principles of the transition to a knowledge-based economy. Keywords: industry, industrial enterprises, lending, bank lending to industrial enterprises, institutional approach, functional approach, reproductive approach, principles of bank lending to industrial enterprises. JEL Classification G21 Formulas: 0; fig.: 5; tabl.: 1; bibl.: 19.

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