
The subject of research is the processes of building and replenishing knowledge bases, the processes of knowledge reuse and the creation of software systems based on knowledge bases, the interpretation of knowledge is one of the approaches to their repeated application, which consists in deriving new knowledge based on the available facts in the knowledge base. The purpose of the research is to develop a method of knowledge reuse by solving logical equations of finite predicates for a certain subject area. The tasks were performed: to investigate descriptive approaches to logical modeling of the subject area, which make it possible to reuse the knowledge given by the system of logical equations within the algebra of finite predicates, to develop a method of replenishing the knowledge base in the form of predicate equations by extracting variables from logical systems, where equations represent complex logical connections between discrete features of objects or processes. The methods were used to solve the listed problems: the algebra of finite predicates, quantifier operations with predicates for the interpretation of knowledge. The results were obtained: descriptive methods of knowledge reuse were considered; a method of replenishing the knowledge base in the form of logical equations is proposed simplify the further use of implicit connections between discrete features; an example of replenishment of the knowledge base of the medical field is considered, which makes it possible to reuse knowledge given implicitly. Conclusions: the proposed method makes it possible to replenish the knowledge base in the form of logic equations by adding predicate equations connecting separate sets of discrete variables that are of interest to a scientist or a practitioner. The method of replenishing the knowledge base is based on adding new simplified equations; simplified predicate equations model logical patterns implicitly contained in the main knowledge base; an experimental study was conducted

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