
The relevance of the work is due to changes in the understanding of the goals of education, according to which learning should not be limited to the communication of knowledge, but should develop the necessary competencies in the field of independent cognitive activity and reveal the creative potential of students. In this work silence is considered as having a dialogical nature not expressed in a sign form a communicatively significant process of cognition of the studied object, which allows the student to overcome language and psychological barriers, to engage in independent work to develop the meaning and content of education, and, in the end, create your own educational product. In accordance with this the essence and content of the method of pedagogical silence are revealed, and also the author's typology of silence is given. On the example of a fragment of a lesson on the discipline "Russian as a foreign language" the features of the use of the method of pedagogical silence in teaching foreign languages are shown. The research materials can be used in organizing the educational process for the study of foreign languages, for methodological work in an educational institution, as well as in self-educational pedagogical activity.

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