
The article provides the justification for the implementation of coursework in physics in the system of methodological training of bachelors, carried out in the context of the implementation of the Federal Educational Standard, higher education in the direction of 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training profiles). The authors single out the formation of research skills as one of the most important aspects of teaching future physics teachers. The specifics of the course work on the subject of “General Physics” are revealed, which contribute to the consolidation and generalization of theoretical knowledge, the application of this knowledge to the complex solution of specific research tasks, increasing the level of subject competence in physics. In this article, the possibility of measuring radiation from various light sources in the visible region of the spectrum is considered, based on the study of the spectral composition of the radiation source under study with subsequent information processing. The authors propose to use the considered method of measuring radiation spectra when performing coursework in general physics. The authors describe the conditions of the experiment and give a diagram of the working installation. Measurements of the radiation spectra are carried out using a monochromator and a photodetector pre-graded in transmission and spectral sensitivity. The examples of the emission spectra of a green LED, a red semiconductor laser and a fluorescent lamp measured by the considered method are given. The research methodology, proposed by the authors, helps students to learn how to work with spectral measuring equipment, measure and plot the emission spectra of light sources, calculate the width of the monochromator slit at which the spectra are measured and estimate the measurement error. The recommendations of similar experiments are given when performing students’ term papers.

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