
The aim: Of the work is to investigate and prove the effectiveness of medicinal products of plant origin for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Materials and methods: Pharmacoeconomic, social, medical demographic and statistical studies were studied. The study involved cardiologists, pharmacists, consumers of pharmacies and patients of cardiology departments. Results: Forecasting the need for cardiac medicines in general, and in medicinal products of plant origin (MP PO), in particular, is increasing as the population, life expectancy, under the influence of socio-demographic factors, and, most importantly, the increase in the number of elderly people. When solving problems facing public health in the field of drug provision of the population, a regular analysis of the pharmaceutical market and a forecast of the need for medicines in the context of the pharmacotherapeutic group that is being studied are necessary. An important stage in the choice of forecasting methods is the possibility of attracting the required number of indicators, which is a characteristic of the normative method, whose accessibility and simplicity make it possible to use it by specialists who do not have special mathematical training at the level of medical and pharmaceutical organizations. Conclusions: Prevention of diseases should be based on the implementation of government programs for prevention and promotion of health. This will improve and actively use methods of early detection of social and economic factors, which is a threat of development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

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