
The issue concerning the authentic method of Western (modern) science has been a problem to scientists and philosophers of science alike. While some think inductive method is the hallmark of science, some believe science progresses better through the deductive method. The problem of the method of science is not peculiar to Western science. In African science, here classified into “traditional” and “modernized” African science, some elements of the Western method of science could also be found. However, the traditional African scientists, given their conception of the world, tend to give prominence to the metaphysico-religious method or supernaturalism, in addition to elements of the Western method. Given this background, this paper contends that this method of African science is perhaps more problematic and would not allow African science to grow. At best such approach to science, inspite of what ever feat the African scientists may achieve, would always be esoteric, personal, and devoid of any theorization. Without the elements of objectivity, impersonalization and rigorous theorization, traditional African science will still remain miles away from western science.

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