
The flow of a viscous fluid at small Reynolds numbers (Stokes flow) in a three-dimensional formulation is investigated. In this case, the inertial terms in the equations of motion can be neglected. Such flows can occur in nanotubes that can be considered as inclusions in representative volume elements of nanomaterials. By using the fundamental solution of Ossen, an integral representation of the velocity is proposed. This representation is used to receive an integral equation for an unknown density. The solution of the resulting equation makes it possible to calculate the fluid pressure on the walls of the shell. The case of axially symmetric flows is investigated. For this, an integral representation of the unknown velocity in cylindrical coordinates is obtained. By integrating over the circumferential coordinate, the two-dimensional singular integral equation is reduced to one-dimensional one. It has been proved that the components of the kernels in singular operators are expressed in terms of elliptic integrals of the first and second kind. It has been proved that the singularities of the kernels of one-dimensional singular integral equations have a logarithmic character. To calculate elliptic integrals, the Gaussian algorithm based on the use of the arithmetic-geometric mean value is proposed. This procedure allows us to obtain logarithmic singular components with high accuracy, which makes it possible to use special quadrature formulas to calculate such integrals. An algorithm with usage of the boundary element method for the numerical solution of the obtained singular integral equations is proposed. The method for solving one-dimensional singular equations, where the kernels contain elliptic integrals with logarithmic singularities (i.e logarithmic singularity is not expressed explicitly) has been tested. The obtained numerical results have been compared with the well-known analytical solutions. The data obtained indicate the high efficiency of the proposed numerical method.


  • В цьому випадку можливо нехтувати інерційними членами в рівняннях руху

  • By using the fundamental solution of Ossen, an integral representation of the velocity is proposed. This representation is used to receive an integral equation for an unknown density

  • It has been proved that the components of the kernels in singular operators are expressed in terms of elliptic integrals of the first and second kind

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В цьому випадку можливо нехтувати інерційними членами в рівняннях руху. Такі течії можуть відбуватися в нанотрубках, що є включеннями в репрезентативних об’ємах наноматеріалів. Це зображення використовується для побудови інтегрального рівняння відносно невідомої густини. Розв’язок цього рівняння дає змогу обчислити тиск рідини на стінки оболонки. Для цього отримано інтегральне подання невідомої швидкості в циліндричних координатах. Для обчислення еліптичних інтегралів запропоновано використовувати алгоритм Гауса, заснований на використанні середнього арифметикогеометричного значення.

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