
Bacteriophages are often considered as possible agents of biological control of unwanted bacterial populations in medicine, agriculture and food industry. Although the virulent phages can efficiently kill the infected host cells but at the population level phage attack not always leads to the host population collapse but may result in establishment of a more or less stable co-existence. The mechanism of the long-term stabilization of the mixed phage-host cultures is poorly understood. Here we describe bacteriophages VyarbaL and Hena2, the members of the Molineuxvirinae and the Ounavirinae subfamilies, respectively, that are able to form the pseudolysogenic associations (PA) with their host Erwinia amylovora 1/79Sm on solid media. These PAs were stable through multiple passages. The phenomenon of the PA formation between a bacterial culture and bacteriophages decreases the effectiveness of bacteriophage-mediated biological control agents based on lytic bacteriophages.

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