
The scientific paradigm of Development Economics is not dead nor is it declining in importance. Instead, it has desynthesized into more than 30 analytical and specialized subparadigms which deal with the complex economic phenomena in LDCs. The great number of sub-disciplines of Development Economics is a verification of the dynamic evolution of the discipline and shows its trend towards increased specialization which seems to be the true index of the scientific progress of the subject. For those who complain that “the current output of new development theories…is smaller” (W. A. Lewis), we remind them that Development Economics is a discipline which has more of a praxeological-concrete orientation than a theoretical-abstract one. It seems that the world today needs more the exercise of development praxeology by the activist than the abstract theorizing of the purists. However, the study and empirical research of development phenomena in the context of the 30 or more specialized sub-disciplines offers an opportunity for improving the quality of our knowledge on these phenomena by the recurrent validation and consolidation of development theories.

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