
The metabolism of 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) by rat liver and lung microsomes was investigated. The animals were pretreated with various inducing agents to determine the effect which microsomal induction has on metabolic profile. Metabolites were separated by high pressure liquid chromatography. Major metabolism was associated with three peaks: 2-hydroxy-3-MC, 1-hydroxy-3-MC and a peak that co-chromatographs with 3-MC 11,12-oxide and probably contains phenols. Pretreatment of animals with various inducing agents caused an increase in total metabolism as well as in specific metabolites. However, lung microsomes from phenobarbital treated animals were less efficient at metabolizing 3-MC than control microsomes. Liver and lung microsomes converted 3-MC to qualitatively similar products. No metabolites were formed by lung microsomes that were not also formed by those from liver.

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